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In the Arctic Seas

Francis Leopold McClintock

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In the Arctic Seas | Francis Leopold McClintock

In the Arctic Seas

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Lady Jane Franklin, the wife of Sir John Franklin, who went missing with his entire crew during his 1845 expedition to discover the Northwest Passage, commissioned Captain Francis McClintock to investigate what had happened to the expedition, and purchased for him the small steam yacht known as the 'Fox'. This is McClintock's own account of the two year voyage of the 'Fox'. Following an initially unsuccessful attempt to cross the Davis Strait, the 'Fox' was forced to spend the first winter trapped in the sea-ice off the coast of Greenland. After the next year's thaw, McClintock eventually reached the islands of the Canadian Arctic, where an extensive search finally revealed the grisly truth of the fate of Franklin.
esterday evening, and at length, unable to see our way, we made fast at eleven o'clock to the ice. The wind had freshened, it was evidently blowing a gale outside the ice. During the night we drifted rapidly together with the ice, and this morning, on the clearing off of the fog, we steamed and sailed on again, threading our way between the floes, which are larger and much covered with dry snow. This evening we again made fast, the floes having closed together, cutting off advance and retreat. A wintry night, much wind and snow.

19th.—Continued strong S.E. winds, pressing the ice closely together, dark sky and snow;[37] everything wears a wintry and threatening aspect; we are closely hemmed in, and have our rudder and screw unshipped. This recommencement of S.E. winds and rapid ebbing of the small remaining portion of summer makes me more anxious about the future than the present. Yesterday the weather improved, and by working for thirteen hours we got the ship out of her small ice-creek into a larger space of water, and in so doing advanced a mile and a half. It is now calm, but the ice still drifts, as we would wish it, to the N.W. Yesterday we were within 12 miles of the position of the 'Enterprise' upon the same day in 1848, and under very similar conditions of weather and ice also.

20th.—No favorable ice-drift: this detention has become most painful. The 'Enterprise' reached the open water upon this day in 1848, within 50 miles of our present position; unfortunately, our prospects are not so cheering. There is no relative motion in the floes of ice, except a gradual closing together, the small spaces and streaks of water being still further diminished. The temperature has fallen, and is usually below the freezing-point. I feel most keenly the difficulty of my position; we cannot afford to lose many more days.

Noor Sargent 04/07/2023
The lesson that I learned is always search the truth. No matter the time.
Katie 12/30/2022
After all the biographies and well-researched books I've read about the Franklin Expedition, I thought it was about time I read one of the many first-hand accounts of the men who went to find them.
This one is exciting because McClintock not only found the "Boat Place", but he also discovered the cai
Petra 05/03/2022
This short book was not a literary endeavor, but rather a spare description of an arctic voyage to find the remains of a previous exploratory voyage consisting of two ships and their crews that never returned. It is fascinating to learn about 19th Century men who braved extreme elements of cold and
A.L. 05/17/2020
A fascinating account of one of the voyages to discover the fate of the Franklin expedition. At times workmanlike, at times haunting, such as when the men start to find relics and remains of Franklin's people. Well worth reading.
Myname 03/28/2018
It's a good book for it's time though to modern readers the style will most likely seem both overtly verbose at times and at others incredibly dry. That being said it is by no means a bad read and the content is often thrilling enough to overcome any issues with the prose.
Banbury 05/03/2016
This short book was not a literary endeavor, but rather a spare description of an arctic voyage to find the remains of a previous exploratory voyage consisting of two ships and their crews that never returned. It is fascinating to learn about 19th Century men who braved extreme elements of cold and
Randy 05/28/2014
At least skimmed this Bad Boy years back when writing a paper for my Arctic Anthro course. If you're into early explorers, grim tales of the wild, or cannibalism, you'll dig it!
Gavin 04/07/2010
The search after the lost Franklin expedition, this time successful. The mid eighteenth century was full of lunatics going off to the Arctic to find the nortwest passage. The all had very stiff upper lips and many of them published accounts. This is an interesting one for anyone who likes Arctic ecp

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