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Angel Girl

Michel Poulin

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Book Overview: 

Nancy Dow is a hauntingly beautiful teenage girl who wants to become a musician and singer and who is studying the arts, first in Arlington, Virginia, then in New York City. She appears to be seventeen or eighteen, but in reality is only thirteen. Nancy also happens to be half-human and half-angel and possesses a number of fantastic powers. Her mother, Ingrid Dows, is fully human but she also possesses a number of powers, on top of being the top military commander of all the American armed forces, with the rank of 5-star general. Together, they live through and shape a tumultuous period at the end of the 20th Century. ANGEL GIRL is a sequel to the novel RAISING NANCY and is the 11th novel in the Nancy Laplante Series.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .You are going to make a lot of senators and congressmen squeal and scream about this, General.’’ That was when John McCain jumped in, his voice firm. ‘’Let them! I will personally make sure that those senators and congressmen understand that this is for the greater good of the nation and I will also make sure that our citizens understand that, which should help calm down those senators and congressmen.". . . Read More