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Algonquin Legends of New England

Charles Godfrey Leland

109 ratings
Algonquin Legends of New England | Charles Godfrey Leland

Algonquin Legends of New England

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This work, then, contains a collection of the myths, legends, and folk-lore of the principal Wabanaki, or Northeastern Algonquin, Indians; that is to say, of the Passamaquoddies and Penobscots of Maine, and of the Micmacs of New Brunswick. All of this material was gathered directly from Indian narrators, the greater part by myself, the rest by a few friends; in fact, I can give the name of the aboriginal authority for every tale except one.
p, whose name he forgets, is a fair specimen of what he learned. Yet he could in the same book write as follows: "The Anglo-American can indeed cut down and grub up all this waving forest, And make a stump and vote for Buchanan on its ruins; but he cannot Converse with the spirit of the tree he fells, he cannot read the poetry and mythology which retires as he advances."

If Mr. Thoreau had known the Indian legend of the spirit of the fallen tree—and his guide knew it well—he might have been credited with speaking wisely of the poetry and mythology which he ridicules the poor rural Yankees for not possessing.

Such a writer can, indeed, peep and botanize on the grave of Mother
Nature, but never evoke her spirit.

The moving the island is evidently of Eskimo origin, since Crantz (History of Greenland) heard nearly the same story of some magician-giant. It was probably suggested by the very common floating away of ice-islands.]

How Glooskap, leaving the World, all the Animals mourned for him, and how, ere he departed, he gave Gifts to Men.


Now Glooskap had freed the world from all the mighty monsters of an early time: the giants wandered no longer in the wilderness; the cullo terrified man no more, as it spread its wings like the cloud between him and the sun; the dreadful Chenoo of the North devoured him not; no evil beasts, devils, and serpents were to be found near his home. And the Master had, moreover, taught men the arts which made them happier; but they were not grateful to him, and though they worshiped him they were not the less wicked.

"Now when the ways of men and beasts waxed evil they greatly vexed Glooskap, and at length he could no longer endure them, and he made a rich feast by the shore of the grea

Pinball 07/01/2023
My one takeaway was "well, that was racist."

The book is old enough that some heavy-handed infantilism and noble savagery concepts are deep-baked into the writer's perspective, and they are not shy about sharing that.

Furthermore, there is the repeated assertion that many of the tales are taken from N
Michael 07/29/2022
Inspiring collection of Algonquin Legends. Charles Leland wrote this book in 1884 and included several references to Old Norse Mythology (e.g., comparing Lox to Loki - the God of Mischief). He suggested that the Algonquin myths were the result of Native American interaction with the Vikings in Newfo
Raven 07/16/2021
The commentary leaves a lot to be desired but the stories themselves amazing.
Kest 04/26/2019
So. Mixed review time.
The recordings are really interesting. Leland does a pretty good job of translating without changing things as he has heard them, particularly for his time. As such, this is a fascinating historical record.


His conclusions based on these recordings are hilariously, out of
Edward 09/20/2010
Leland has a rare sense for the profound significance of the myths he relates, and thus one forgives him any archaisms, which are as nothing compared to the fact that he places the Algonquin religion shoulder to shoulder with any of the other great world religions, and has gathered their lore with s

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