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Max Brand

Book Overview: 

This is a story of a wild horse who many said could not be caught or broken, and the man who set out to prove them wrong.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .But today he's gone wrong. His eye has been took by the legs of them Coles hosses and he's gone crazy betting on 'em. Well, he gets plenty of takers!"

Indeed, Colonel Dickinson was stopped right and left to record wagers.

"I got down a little bet myself, this morning, agin his Lady Mary."
Corson chuckled at the thought of such easy money.

"What makes you so sure?" asked Marianne, for even if she were lucky enough to get the mares she felt that from Corson she could learn beforehand the criticisms of Lew Hervey.

"So sure? Why anybody with half an eye—" here he remembered that he was talking to a lady and continued more mildly. "Them bay mares ain't hosses—they're tricks. Look how skinny all that underpinning is, Miss Jordan."

"When they fill out—" she began.

"Tush! They won't never fill out proper. Too much leg to m. . . Read More

Community Reviews

Back in the days of the Old West, there was nothing more revered or important than that of a horse. In fact, Capital punishment was often handed down in many states for offenses that lead up to the theft of a man's horse.

The storyline goes on to describe in brilliant detail how a cowboy, Red Jim Per

I've been in a bit of a Western renaissance as of late. Back in May I bought a book at a library sale called Zeke and Ned (by Larry McMurtry) and it was... pretty dang good. Might be the best non-speculative fiction book I've ever read. I got this book at the same time, and after writing my own (alb

I have heard a lot about Max Brand as a western author, so I went into this with high expectations. Perhaps too high. The plot is decent. The characters, I found stilted, whether they were the girl, the cowboy or the villain. The horses as characters were a bit better. Then I thought back to The Bla


This story was a complete surprise to me! What a wonderful story of man and beast,of trust, mistreatment,of in the end, love,gentleness and caring built a strong bond between the horse,and,someone who wanted to break the horse for control,but,in the end sacrifice his own desires for the safe

Very good story. It keeps your interest throughout the book. An animal lover's book. Actually listen to it as an audible book.

Excellent story about an amazing horse, the awesome man who admired and pursued him, the rancher’s daughter who loved the man, her depressed and disabled father, and the tumultuous path taken to bring them all together.

It's been a long time since I've read a horse story that was so good. He understands horses & portrays them as individuals shaped by breed and the environment in which they were raised. His descriptions makes one feel like they are seeing & experiencing the horses first hand. Plus, he developed his

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