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Against Apion

Flavius Josephus

Book Overview: 

Against Apion is a two-volume defense of Judaism as classical religion and philosophy, stressing its antiquity, as opposed to what Josephus claimed was the relatively more recent tradition of the Greeks. Some anti-Judean allegations ascribed by Josephus to the Greek writer Apion, and myths accredited to Manetho are also addressed.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .So when he had thus fortified the city with walls, after an excellent manner, and had adorned the gates magnificently, he added a new palace to that which his father had dwelt in, and this close by it also, and that more eminent in its height, and in its great splendor. It would perhaps require too long a narration, if any one were to describe it. However, as prodigiously large and as magnificent as it was, it was finished in fifteen days. Now in this palace he erected very high walks, supported by stone pillars, and by planting what was called a pensile paradise, and replenishing it with all sorts of trees, he rendered the prospect an exact resemblance of a mountainous country. This he did to please his queen, because she had been brought up in Media, and was fond of a mountainous situation."

20. This is what Berosus relates concerning the forementioned king, as he relates many other things about him also in the third book of his Chaldean History; wherein he c. . . Read More

Community Reviews

The first half of the book is a chronological exposition of the "Old Testament". The second half is an eye witness account of the war of the Jews and the Roman Empire including the fall of Jerusalem. It is very detailed with graphic imagery.

Reading through Josephus was a worthy exercise that gave context to the New Testament. I found lots of primary source knowledge that helped me through scholarly arguments for/against biblical accuracy. E.g. Bart Ehrman asserts Jesus wasn’t buried because Roman didn’t allow burial to the crucified, b

Nope, I cannot claim to have read this volume from cover-to-cover, but I have read much of it... including the spurious accounts of his own conversion to Christianity.

It's been a while, but as I recall, Flavius Josephus was a Jewish scholar writing a history of his people for the Romans. Jewish scho

This is a fascinating work that deserves its place in literature and history.

While this is quite a tome, it can be broken down into sections that I appreciated for different reasons.

1. The work opens with the history of the origins of the Jews. For those who are familiar with the Old Testament, it

The ancient Jewish historian Josephus is remembered for all the wrong reasons. Biblical scholars love to study him because of the parallels between his writing and what is contained in the Old Testament. Christians also love Josephus because of two paragraphs in which Jesus Christ is mentioned. Rea

This book is not a slog whatsoever. There are parts where Josephus excels in his story telling. Such as when he describes the Roman Legion’s order of battle and what their day to day regime consisted of and why they are the finest fighting force the world has ever seen up to that point, or when Jose

I enjoyed this book and structuring. The book acts as an abbreviated commentary from the beginning of The Bible up to the times of King Herod. I found the writing clear and not complicating the Biblical passages it was examining. I will use this as a study-aid and reference to Biblical study.

The boo

Као што знамо, Јосиф Флавије био је познати јеврејски историчар и војсковођа... с тим да, на примјер, ја појма нисам имао да је био и ово друго док нисам прочитао књигу, што само говори о томе колико појма благог немам са историјом било чега. Било како било, ова сабрана дјела састоје се од два главн

I gave this book a "4" for a couple reasons. First of all, the 200 or so pages in The Antiquities of the Jews that cover the Herodian Dynasty are really intriguing. The political maneuverings, the personal friendships with Antony and Roman Caesars, as well as the antipathy of Cleopatra towards Herod

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