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The Adventures of Unc' Billy Possum
Thornton W. Burgess
Book Overview:
Another short story for children by the well-known conversationalist and writer, Thornton W. Burgess. This story revolves around Unc' Billy Possum and his adventures.
Another short story for children by the well-known conversationalist and writer, Thornton W. Burgess. This story revolves around Unc' Billy Possum and his adventures.
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"Very good, Sah, very good. Ah cert'nly am obliged to yo'all for yo' serenade," said a voice that seemed to come out of the tree at Reddy's back.
Reddy Fox sprang up as if some one had stuck a pin into him. Every hair stood on end, as he looked up at Unc' Billy's doorway. Then his teeth began to chatter with fright. Looking out of Unc' Billy's doorway and grinning down at him was something that looked for all the world like Unc' Billy himself.
"It must be his ghost!" said Reddy, and tucking his tail between his legs, he started up the Crooked Little Path as fast as his legs could take him.
Reddy never once looked back. If he had, he might have seen Unc' Billy Possum climb down from the hollow tree and shake hands with Jimmy Skunk, who had just come along.
"How did Ah do it? Why, Ah just pretended Ah was . . . Read More
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Community Reviews
Kids love these. Honestly, I'm a bit disappointed that they're not more accurate as to behaviour of animals (in the drawings the animals are wearing clothes).
Funny, but I liked the previous ones more.
Unc’ Billy possum has a hankering for eggs, so he sneaks into Farmer Brown’s henhouse for a surreptitious meal. But then Farmer Brown’s son comes in and discovers the theft, and Unc’ Billy can’t get out without being caught. Moral: it’s much easier to get into trouble than to get out of it. All Thor
It was amazing because Farmer Brown's Boy kept trying to trap Unc' Billy Possum but in the other book, I think it was "Peter Rabbit", Farmer Brown's Boy caught Unc' Billy Possum by the tail.