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The Adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves

Tobias Smollett

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The Adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves | Tobias Smollett

The Adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves

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Sir Launcelot Greaves goes around the country with his comic squire, trying to be a knight and perform good deeds. This novel is written in the style of Don Quixote by the author of The Expedition Of Humphry Clinker and other 18th century picaresque novels. Great for those who love wise satires.
and Sir Everhard had promised the presentation to another clergyman. In the meantime, Sir Launcelot chancing one Sunday to ride through a lane, perceived a horse saddled and bridled, feeding on the side of a fence; and, casting his eyes around, beheld on the other side of the hedge an object lying extended on the ground, which he took to be the body of a murdered traveller. He forthwith alighted, and, leaping into the field, descried a man at full length, wrapped in a greatcoat and writhing in agony. Approaching nearer, he found it was a clergyman, in his gown and cassock. When he inquired into the case, and offered his assistance, the stranger rose up, thanked him for his courtesy, and declared that he was now very well. The knight who thought there was something mysterious in this incident, expressed a desire to know the cause of his rolling in the grass in that manner, and the clergyman, who knew his person, made no scruple in gratifying his curiosity. 'You must know, sir,' said he, 'I serve the curacy of your own parish, for which the late incumbent paid me twenty pounds a year; but this sum being scarce sufficient to maintain my wife and children, who are five in number, I agreed to read prayers in the afternoon at another church, about four miles from hence; and for this additional duty I receive ten pounds more. As I keep a horse, it was formerly an agreeable exercise rather than a toil; but of late years I have been afflicted with a rupture, for which I consulted the most eminent operators in the kingdom; but I have no cause to rejoice in the effects of their advice, though one of them assured me I was completely cured. The malady is now more troublesome than ever, and often comes upon me so violently while I am on horseback, that I am forced to alight, and lie down upon the ground, until the cause of the disorder can for
Henry 10/22/2024
Now this in appearance is just another satire, or homage to the great Don Quixote by Mr. Tobias Smollett a British writer and one of the first novelist in the English language from 1761. An admirer both in the book and Spanish author Miguel de Cervantes since he translated the epic in 1755 into Engl
Neale 10/29/2013
Smollett's earlier novels all follow the traditional model of Eighteenth Century fiction: beginning with a lengthy account of the family origins and birth of the hero, and then proceeding chronologically through his upbringing, life and adventures.

'Sir Launcelot Greaves' is different. It begins, i

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