Set in a village in the Vosges mountains in north-eastern France, this short and very entertaining novel concerns the events in the lives of an innkeeper's family; the relationship between George Voss, the landlord's son, and his beloved Marie, the rivalry between Voss and another suitor for...
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Anthony Trollope
Both Trollope and some of his later critics have considered The Last Chronicle to be his greatest novel. Many of its characters are familiar from the earlier Barsetshire novels, including the Rev. Josiah Crawley, the impoverished curate of Hogglestock, whose alleged theft of £20, together with...
Kept in the Dark is a novel by the 19th century English novelist Anthony Trollope. Cecilia Holt ends her engagement to Sir Francis Geraldine because of his indifference to her; she goes abroad and meets Mr George Western, who has been jilted by a beautiful girl. They marry but she does not tell...
As usual, Trollope creates a nice variety of characters of different English classes, sentiments and positions. The primary themes are the inheritance of property, extravagance or reason in the spending of assets, the mating of young people, and the electoral practices of the time. The election...
Linda Tressel lives a lonely life with her domineering aunt, Madame Staubach, in a large house in Nuremberg. Madame Staubach takes in the odious and much older Peter Steinmarc as a lodger and plans that Linda should marry him – entirely against Linda’s will. Meanwhile Linda falls in love with...
This was Trollope's last completed novel, and he may have acquired his sympathy for older lovers with age! A not-so-very-old man, Mr. Whittlestaff, dearly loves Mary Lawrie, the girl he provides a home for after her father's death. He wishes to marry her, and she reluctantly accepts him, but...
Near Galway, young Florian Jones has just converted to Catholicism when he witnesses the deliberate destruction of his English father’s land by the Catholic Landleaguers. The Irish Land War has commenced, with the boycotting of wealthy landowners and a brutal chain of revenge killings. This is...
Trollope began as a High Church adherent and then worked his way to a Broad Church stance, a theological liberalism (toleration of belief and interpretation, regard for the individual conscience, a willingness to tolerate the ambiguity of finding truth in the extremes as well as the middle)....
Anthony Trollope sets the scene for his wonderful Chronicles of Barsetshire with this short novel about Septimus Harding's challenged ecclesiastical seat as the warden of Hiram's Hospital. To make things more interesting, the man doing the challenging - John Bold - also happens to be courting Mr...
What is it like to be a fox hunted by hounds? We find out through the senses of an escaped convict as he struggles to free himself from would-be captors. The struggle is brutal. In the end, we are left wondering which person really wins--the pursued or the pursuer. Or perhaps which one is now...
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