A Witch's Primer

Ariel Gatoga

Podcast Overview

Free lessons in beginning witchcraft. A training in the basics of witchcraft with a non-denominational approach. These techniques can be used by anyone desiring to practice the Craft whether or not they belong to a Tradition or a Coven, or are interested in wicca or a non-wiccan path.

Podcast Episodes

Live Q & A: Part 2 (March 2016)

A very kind and generous group of teachers and their students invited me to a Q&A to discuss the material taught in A Witch's Primer. Here is part two of that session.

Live Q&A: Part 1 (March 2016)

A very kind and generous group of teachers and their students invited me to a Q&A to discuss the material taught in A Witch's Primer. Here is part one of that session.



AWP Updates

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Question and Answer 4/23/2010

Today, Ariel answers a few questions from students.

Lesson 18 (A): Linking Up Meditation

This meditation exercise is helpful to do just prior to performing a divination or beginning a session of scrying.

Lesson 18: Introduction to Divination and Scrying

This episode on beginning divination and scrying wraps up A Witch's Primer.  Even though the basic class has now been completed, occasional episodes and Q&A sessions will be uploaded from time to time.  Blessed Be!

Lesson 17: Color Magic

In this episode, Ariel discusses the essential use of color in magic.  He gives details also on how to perform candle magic.

Question and Answer #2

So many questions for Ariel have piled up since he has been traveling over the past months.  This episode is dedicated to answering those questions.  A new Primer episode should be up within the next couple of weeks.

Lesson 16: Wand Magic

Today's lesson teaches about using a magic wand, one of the oldest and most powerful methods of casting spells and working magic. We apologize for the sound problems and hope you still enjoy the lesson.

Special Supplement: Prosperity/Money Magic

This episode, although not a part of the actual training, gives the student some very effective techniques for working magic for money and prosperity.

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