Totally Married

Totally Laime

Podcast Overview

Totally married is a new podcast created by the same crazy kids from Totally Laime. Why, you ask? Well, because marriage is fun! And tough! And complicated! And sexy! And definitely not sexy! Listen in as Elizabeth and Andy discuss the ups and downs of their marital journey as well as offer un-qualified relationship advice to anyone who has a question about life, love, and the pursuit of good sex… er… Happiness!

Podcast Episodes

303 - Eternal Power!

Elizabeth and Andy discuss their game night memories before sharing some sad news about a pet-friend, and their three year olds' beautiful interpretation of death. Then they give their unqualified advice to listener questions about how to craft an amazing elopement/cityhall wedding, how to handle mom guilt regarding working as a mom versus working outside the home, and how to set up boundaries with overbearing relatives regarding pregnancy and beyond? Enjoy!

302 - Ya Can't Win 'Em All!

Elizabeth and Andy start off what they later crown, "the worst podcast ever" by discussing multiple topics surrounding fast food and missed opportunities. Then they give their unqualified advice to listener questions about Andy's knowledge of cults, whether to navigate different love languages or bounce, and how to turn a long distance relationship into a short distance relationship early on? Enjoy!

301 - Summer Dreamin'!

Elizabeth and Andy discuss the dismal state of affairs in the world, how to brand oneself for success and what their dream summer away would be! Then they give their unqualified advice to listener questions about how to convince a boyfriend to move to LA for some fun when he's not interested, and how to get your partner to pitch in more with housework when the scales are tipped significantly in the other direction? Enjoy!

300 - Happy 300 Episodes!

Elizabeth and Andy celebrate their lucky 300 by sharing Elizabeth's most humiliating fantasy ever and Andy's very sweet hope for the future of this podcast! Then they give their unqualified advice to listener questions about how to support a sister through divorce when you suspect she's the trashbag in the situation, how to navigate a cleaning person who broke something in your home without acknowledging it, how to rebuild trust in a marriage after a suspected betrayal, what the best way is to be politically active without having to make phone calls, and how to set boundaries with your pot dealing neighbor when you really love his bud? Enjoy!

299 - They're Back and She's Fired Up!

Elizabeth and Andy explain the great and the not so great of what caused their absence last week, and then Elizabeth discovers that her rage is being misdirected at her sweet, well meaning husband! Before entering QUITE a political pocket, they give their unqualified advice to listener questions about how to dodge social events with a friend's ex, whether or not to tell another woman that her now boyfriend cheated on you with her, if one is supposed to scrub their social media of an ex's presence after a breakfup, and if it's kosher to move other people's laundry from the dryer when you're waiting your turn? Enjoy!

298 - Vasectomy Vs. Bullet Journal!

Elizabeth and Andy both have their own very important announcements to make today! Both have to do with good things coming to an end! Then they give their unqualified advice to listener questions about how to form a good relationship with a future mother in law who is bad at boundaries, how to navigate a spouses friendship that seems toxic or negative, and if Elizabeth and Andy stand by their answer to the question of whether or not to have a third child? Enjoy!

297 - Getting Emailz!

Elizabeth and Andy discuss what it might take to get people to email back, and what it will take creatively and in careers to get that r-e-s-p-e-c-t! Then they give their unqualified advice to listener questions about how to move forward without a toxic sister interfering in your life/marriage, how to be your own support system through a breakup from the person you would normally turn to in times of need, and how to put yourself out there to be open for dating but also how to be okay with being single for a while? Enjoy!

296 - Special Surprise in STL!

Elizabeth and Andy discuss their fave topic - autonomous cars - after Elizabeth got the inside scoop on a recent flight, as well as a very special "sign" she experienced on her trip back to St. Louis. Then they give their unqualified advice to listener questions about how to support a sister when her relationship doesn't seem quite right, how to deflect a nosy and pushy mother in law, and how to navigate a tricky and hurtful friendship situation? Enjoy!

295 - Mitey Big Questions!

Elizabeth and Andy discuss the meaning of life, and their gratitude for the life roll of the dice they got before giving their unqualified advice to listener questions about how to manage anxiety about relationships after some relationship PTSD, and how to dig deep to make major moves in creative work, if it's okay to let a friendship fade even if she's going to be a bridesmaid, and at what age do boys become grown ass men? Enjoy!

294 - Long Haul Or Short Stop?

Elizabeth and Andy discuss the merits of podcasting - to continue or not to continue? Plus her new phone, and of course some more discussion about their future documentary on pubic hair. Then they give their unqualified advice to listener questions about how to navigate interviewing family for a blog that would explore tense family dynamics, what to do about a husband who is "rockin' the bed" on his own after lights out, whether or not to give a boyfriend another chance who isn't stepping up for your kids, how to handle a mother in law and husband who won't compromise in their treatment of each other, what to do about family reactions to the choice to leave a toxic sister out of your wedding invites, and lastly how to continue writing with creative freedom when your blog has caused a boundary-less mother in law to react negatively? Enjoy!

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