The Robin Sharma Mastery Sessions

Robin Sharma

Podcast Overview

#1 Bestselling author. Dedicating my life to help you play your best game & do your best work.

Podcast Episodes

The Kanye Poster Insight

Learn how to create explosive confidence like Kanye West.

The 7000 Ferraris Philosophy

We live in a world, I call it the cult of superficiality, addicted to distraction, afflicted by interruption. So we take the trinity of our performance assets, our mental focus, our physical energy, and our willpower, those are the three primary assets of a world-class producer, and we diffuse them, we disperse them, around thousands of projects, lots of little things.

And yet I think of the 7,000 Ferrari philosophy. They are world class in terms of producing iconic automobiles, vehicles, but they don't want to appeal to everyone. They don't produce hundreds of thousands of vehicles. They want to do a few products, they want to bring out a few things, but do them really, really well.

That's really the craftsmen mindset. That's how craftsmen think: "Do few things, but do them really well."

The 3 I Mindset For Extreme Leadership

This Mastery Session comes out of my book, The Leader Who Had No Title. Really, I want you to dial in as a leader of your life as well as a leader in your work about 3 I's: Influence, Impact and Inspiration

Adventure as a Performance Fuel

This Mastery Session will kickstart your adventurous spirit.

A life without novelty, curiosity and exciting journeys is a life mildly lived.

I know this episode will remind you about some important values and some essential moves so this year becomes your finest yet.

How to Pick Your Social Network

Your peers determine your performance. And your influences drive your inspiration.

This new Mastery Session will walk you through how to pick a strong social network, the science on why getting this piece of your best life is mission-critical and what happens if we keep toxic people in our lives.

A Message to Our Children

I'm really excited to share this new Mastery Session with you as it's all about developing children of high integrity, deep ingenuity and strong leadership capability.

In this episode you'll discover:

--specific tactics to deepen your relationship with your kids

--how to grow children who lead and excel

--ways to build your children into genius-level performers who raise the world via their lives.

Cemetery Walking as a Life Mastery Tool

I believe you'll get a lot of perspective and insight from this hot new Mastery Session.

In it, I explain:

--why I read obituaries regularly

--the reason why connecting with your mortality is a wonderful source of creative fire

--the power of connecting to the shortness of life as a vehicle to transcend your limits.

Own your craft. Raise your impact. Enrich the world.

Your fan always,


Why To Love Your Haters

I think you'll find deep value in this very sincere message.

--you want to be the finest version of your best potential

--you want to do world-class work and inspire all witnesses

--you wish to impact society while you leave a mark on history.

If I know you as I believe I do, the Mastery Session that I've just released today will be massively helpful on your rise to legendary.

Personal sharing: as my profile grows, I've had a few people who have tried to bring me down.

As I've heightened my obsession to serve, I've had some critics who have hoped I'd fall.

As I've helped more human beings live their greatness + lead world-class lives, I've had some haters who have tried to dim my light.

Yet--rather than burying me, these "spiritual friends" have built me.

And I've used the rocks they threw at me to build monuments of forgiveness, understanding, wisdom and compassion within me.

If my words are speaking to you, please do the rest of your life a giant favor and listen to this new episode right now.

How To Love Life's Great Seasons

Hope this episode causes some neat breakthroughs for you. I dig deep into the seasons of life. And what you can learn from each one when it comes to personal mastery, professional leadership and being an outright game-changer.

What Rich Really Means

I've spent 20+ years advising billionaires, celebrated CEOs and other titans of industry on how to multiply their income, lift their influence + unleash their highest impact.

Here's one of the strange paradoxes I've observed:

A number of them are super-wealthy but very poor.

--they have money yet lack meaning

--they have a large net worth but low self-worth

--they have jets and yachts but no joy and peace.

So, in this new Mastery Session that I'm ultra-excited to share with you today, you'll learn what real wealth is all about.

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