Private Pilot Podcast by

Private Pilot Podcast by

Podcast Overview

A Good Pilot Is Always Learning

Podcast Episodes

Fear of Flying

Have you ever been scared while flying? What are some ways we can recognize some of our fears in the cockpit and what can we do to work through them?

Emergency Procedures

How can we better prepare for the unexpected?

Wake Turbulance

You’re in a Cessna 172 and you’ve been cleared to land, Number 2 behind an Airbus A320. Now what?

Solo Practice

So you’ve soloed, now what? What are some best practices for newly soloed pilots to sharpen their skills?

The Lost Art of Flight Plans

Did you know we’re switching to ICAO flight plans this year?

Technology in the Cockpit

How do we as Private Pilots use technology to increase situational awareness?

Beyond your Private Pilot Certificate

What are some amazing things you can do with your Private Pilot Certificate?

What Great Private Pilots All Have in Common.

I found the common link that all successful, low time private pilots have in common.

The Truth About Senario Based Training

Often times we hear the phrase “Senario Based Training.” But, what does it mean for myself and my Private Pilot Certificate?

The Perfect Flight Lesson

What makes a perfect flight lesson? In this episode Jason will explain to you what he believes makes up the ultimate private pilot flight lesson.

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