Creative Dog Training Online Podcast

Creative Dog Training Online

Podcast Overview

Creative Dog Training is all about taking our over 30 years of experience and passing it on to you!
Are you tired of difficult or non-practical advice on how to help you dog? Then our casts are for you! Our casts are short to the point information sessions designed to give you PRACTICAL tools for not just training your dog, but having the dog you've always wanted!
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Podcast Episodes

Teaching Your Dog Place

Today Margaret will be talking about a fun and useful command, Place.

Everybody has a favorite chair or spot to relax, and teaching Place can create that for your dog!

So we will share out tips on teaching Place, how and when to use Place, troubleshooting, and the difference between Place training and crate training.

Enjoy, and if you have questions or comments, please visit us and post a question on our message board at

Mealtimes, Yours and Your Dogs

Today Margaret is going to talk about Mealtimes, both yours and your dogs and using them to help train.

We are firm believers that every interaction you have with your dog is training.

And one of the most powerful times can be meals.

So today we will share our tips on using these powerful times to build respect, some tips on if you decide to give your dog people food, slowing down fast eaters, and ways to make your meals more pleasant with your dog.

Enjoy, and if you have questions or comments, please visit us and post a question on our message board at

Underground Fences with a Special Guest Expert

Today Margaret will be talking to a Special Guest Expert, Keith McDonald from Pet Stop Pet Fence Systems.

So today we will be talking to Keith about underground pet fences and how they work, the training process for the fence system, what breeds and types of dogs are good for an underground fence system. The problems with Do-It-Yourself fences and wireless fence systems.

And for more information you can visit for those locally here in Birmingham, Al, or nationally at And as always you are welcome to post questions on our message boards!

Enjoy, and if you have questions or comments, please visit us and post a question on our message board at

The Absolute Importance of Puppy Class

Today Margaret will be addressing a short but important topic, the absolute importance of puppy class.

Obviously we feel very strongly about the importance of training your dog. But we feel that getting your puppy started at the right time is vital!

So today we will talk about choosing the right puppy class, involving the entire family, the importance of doing your homework, and the key to a great puppy, socialization.

Enjoy, and if you have questions or comments, please visit us and post a question on our message board at

Ring the Bell to Go Outside

Today Margaret is talking about a fun subject, Teaching your dog to ring the bell to go outside!

But not only is it fun, its very useful because it gives your  dog an easy way to communicate his needs.

So today we will talk about teaching a command to touch the bell, practicing touching the bell, making sure your dog understands why he is ringing the bell to go outside, and our sure for excessive bell ringing.

Enjoy, and if you have questions or comments, please visit us and post a question on our message board at

Handling Lapses in Housetraining

Today Margaret will be sharing some tips on how to handle your dog's lapses in housetraining.

In every dog's life they may have a temporary lapse in their perfect housetraining. So today we will share some simple steps to take when it happens, including ruling out medical issues with your veterinarian, monitoring feeding schedules, getting back to the three rules of housetraining, and using the 7 day plan to grant freedom.

Enjoy, and if you have questions or comments, please visit us and post a question on our message board at

The Levels of Aggression in Dogs

Today Margaret will takle a very touchy subject, Level of Aggression in Dogs.

This cast stray from our usual step by step by talking a little more about what you see rather than what to do, but this is an important step.

Sp we will talk about the levels of aggression  and an owners responsibility level in dog bites.

And Margaret wanted to thank Dr. Ian Dunbar who she first learned the levels of aggression from.

Also, if you are having issues with aggresion please contact us or a qualified local trainer for immediate help.

Enjoy, and if you have questions or comments, please visit us and post a question on our message board at

Stopping Jumping on Counters, Tables and Furniture

Today Margaret and Damian will share our tips on stopping your dog from jumping on counters, tables, and furniture.

A lot of this topic centers around teaching respect, so you hear that a lot. But we will give tips on using Goalie here, teaching a command to get on stuff can easily help you teach a command get off, revisiting the basics, and using a mirror to help keep an eye on an out of sight dog!

We also revisit the subject of using booby traps, just always remember when using booby traps your dogs safety ALWAYS comes first.

Enjoy, and if you have questions or comments, please visit us and post a question on our message board at

Helping Your Shy Dog

A question we get often is how to help shy dogs. So today Margaret will share some of our tips we have learned through years of practice helping owners with their shy dogs.

And we know that by following a few easy steps your shy dog can learn to happily great new people. So today we will share tips on using rewards to help shyness, how not to unintentionally train the wrong behaviors, and your #1 command to help a shy dog: Go Visit!

Enjoy, and if you have questions or comments, please visit us and post a question on our message board at

Transitioning your Indoor Housetrained Dog to go Outside

Today Margaret will talk about transitioning your indoor housetrained dog to go outside.

As a note, if would be very helpful if you are considering this to listen to our previous cast on Indoor Housetraining your Dog.

So today, Margaret will share her story of training a 6 month old Golden Retriever to go outdoors, teaching the command "Go Outside" and a multi-day program to teach your dog to tell you he need to go outside!

Enjoy, and if you have questions or comments, please visit us and post a question on our message board at

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