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Elliott O'Donnell

Book Overview: 

There is scarcely a country in the world in which belief in a werwolf, or in some other form of lycanthropy, has not once existed, though it may have ceased to exist now. But whereas in some countries the werwolf is considered wholly physical, in others it is looked upon as partly, if not entirely, super physical. And whilst in some countries it is restricted to the male sex, in others it is confined to the female; and, again, in others it is to be met with in both sexes.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .Hilda, Olga, and Peter. But this order was at length reversed; and on the death of the last of her pets, Hilda, Olga and Peter stood first. [80]She spent practically every minute of the day with them; and, despite the protestations of her husband, converted her dressing-room into a bedroom for them. The first evening of their removal to their new quarters, Tina sat and played with them till one after another they fell asleep from sheer exhaustion. Then she sat beside them and examined them curiously. Hilda, the eldest, was lying composed and orderly, with pale cheek and smooth hair, her limbs straight, her head slightly bent, the bedclothes unruffled upon the regularly heaving chest. How pretty Hilda looked, and how odd it was that she, Tina, had never noticed the beauty of the child before! Why, with her fair complexion, delicate features, and perfectly shaped arms and hands she would undoubtedly one day take all Moscow by storm; and every one would say, "Do you know who. . . Read More

Community Reviews

This book has lots of handy information about not only werewolves, but other shape changers and ghouls. It also shows that werewolves can be more sophisticated and charming than vampires which was a pleasant surprise as werewolves are usually shown as savage beasts.

I don't know how to classify this. It reads like an authentic investigation into werewolves. From the history of the creatures throughout Europe and Asia to ways to become Werewolves and how they differ from other transformations, the book seems to be an earnest attempt at classifying and exposing w

I really like reading about werewolves, probably my favorite of the mythological pantheon that we humans have created over the years/centuries. I realized that this book has a documentary about it as it focuses on not only the history but why the werewolf legend persists. This book is in the public

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IG: @louchobi

All I know about Elliott O'Donnell is that he was a famous Edwardian ghost hunter. The book is written on the premise that werewolves and other spirits are real and is a guide to the phenomenon as it occurs around the world and as occasionally witnessed by the author. It’s a very pleasant read as it

Victorian Sensationalism

Meant to seem scholarly, written in a pedantic style, this is meant to be a serious discussion of the werewolf phenomenon across Europe. It is a framework upon which lurid tales of disembowelling might be laid. I first read this as a teenager, my public library had a copy tha

Meant to seem scholarly, written in a pedantic style, this is supposed to be a serious discussion of the werewolf phenomenon across Europe. It is a framework upon which lurid tales of disembowelling might be laid. I first read this as a teenager, my public library had a copy that I checked out dozen

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