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Some Historical Account of Guinea, Its Situation,

Anthony Benezet

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Book Excerpt: 
. . . it extends but about 170 miles on the sea, yet spreads so far inland, as to be esteemed the most potent kingdom in Guinea. By accounts, the soil and produce appear to be in a great measure like those before described; and the natives are represented as a reasonable good-natured people. Artus says,A "They are a sincere, inoffensive people, and do no injustice either to one another, or to strangers." William SmithB confirms this account, and says, "That the inhabitants are generally very good-natured, and exceeding courteous and civil. When the Europeans make them presents, which in their coming thither to trade they always do, they endeavour to return them doubly."

A: Collection. vol. 3, page 228. . . . Read More