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The Complete Book of Cheese

Bob Brown

Book Overview: 

Robert Carlton Brown, after living thirty years in as many foreign lands and enjoying countless national cheeses at the source, returned to New York and summed them all up in this book.

After majoring in beer and free lunch from Milwaukee to Munich, Bob celebrated with a book called Let There Be Beer! and then decided to write another about Beer’s best friend, Cheese.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .Then moisten each slice with ½ glass of ale, lay on top a slice of cheese ¼-inch thick, and 2 slices of bacon on top of that. Put back in oven, cook till cheese is melted and the bacon crisp, and serve piping hot, with tankards of cold ale.

Bacon is the thing that identifies any Yorkshire Rabbit.

Yale College Welsh Rabbit (MORIARTY'S)

1 jigger of beer
¼ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon black pepper
¼ teaspoon mustard
1½ cups grated or shaved cheese
More beer

Pour the jigger of beer into "a low saucepan," dash on the seasonings, add the cheese and stir unremittingly, moistening from time to time with more beer, a pony or two at a time.

When creamy, pour over buttered toast (2 slices for this amount) a. . . Read More

Community Reviews

Food Snobs take note. An oldy but goldy. A great book all about....wait for it.....CHEESE.

'The connoisseurs use gingerbread as a mouth-freshener; and I, too, that sunny day among the Edams, kept my gingerbread handy and made my way from one fine cheese to another, trying out generous plugs from the


This book has an introduction by Clifton Fadiman and is illustrated by Eric Bleguad with clever black and white drawings to head up each chapter. It is a comprehensive introduction to cheese and overs a bit of the history of cheese (both European and American). There is a large sprinkling of quotes,

My great grandfather wrote this. I kind of have to give it a five star rating.

Ok, for those who love cheese are suppose to read this book. it has it's historical content and some of the ingredients for making cheese.

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