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The Adventures of Maya the Bee

Waldemar Bonsels

Book Overview: 

The Adventures of Maya the Bee is an exciting tale for children of all ages. Themes of growth and development of courage and wisdom are found, as well as the extreme joy and satisfaction that Maya experiences in the beauty of creation and all creatures. Her ultimate and innate loyalty to her Nation of Bees is acted out in the final heroic scenes. This story gives us the delightful sense of having seen a small segment of the world through a Bee’s eyes.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .Miss Loveydear swung through the green rushes out over the surface of the water. Maya heard her singing in the sunshine. She stood and listened. It was a fine song, with something of the melancholy sweetness of a folksong, and it filled the little bee’s heart with mingled happiness and sadness.


Softly flows the lovely stream

Touched by morning’s rosy gleam

Through the alders darted,

Where the rushes bend and sway,

Where the water-lilies say

“We are golden-hearted!”

Warm the scent the west-wind brings,

Bright the sun upon my wings,

Joy among the flowers!

Though my life may not be long,

Golden summer, take my song!

Thanks for perfect hours!

“Listen!” a white butterfly called to its friend. “Listen to the song of the dragon-fly.” The light creatures rocked close to Maya, and. . . Read More

Community Reviews

ENGLISH: Years ago I saw the series of cartoons based on this book. Some of the chapters were followed quite faithfully, although (of course) several changes were introduced, such as giving more weight to a few insects (Flip the grasshopper comes to mind), and introducing a drone, Maya's sibling (Wi

Maija Mehiläinen oli yksi lapsuuteni suosikkianimaatiosarjoista, ja taisinpa lukea muutaman sarjakuvankin, jossa tuo pienen pieni mehiläinen ystävineen seikkaili. Niinpä olikin kiinnostavaa, kun viime vuonna löysin alkuteoksen kirpparilta. En edes tiennyt, että Maijan seikkaili ensimmäisen kerran ro

Хората често говорят за пропастта между поколенията, за непрестанно променящия се свят, за нови ценности и интереси… Ето защо на мене ми е особено мило, когато открия нещо непреходно, издържало теста на времето, което служи като мост между децата ми и моето собствено детство. В средата на 80-те, гле

Como Winny de Puh y las adaptaciones de la obra de A. A. Milne realizadas por Disney, poco tiene que ver esta Maya con ese icono de tres generaciones creado en los setenta por un estudio de animación germanonipón. Maya la abeja es un clásico infantil alemán escrito en 1912 por Waldemar Bonsels (1881

Cocuk kitaplarını okudukca bazi çocukların ozenilmesi beklenebilecek kotu seyler oldugunu goruyorum ve bu durum hosuma gitmiyor.

Mesela bu kitapta da Maya'nin naifligi, sevimliligi ve pozitifligi evet guzel ve örnek alinmasi gereken durumlar. Ama ayni zamanda boceklerin birbirlerini yiyisleri, nasil

Waldemar Bonsels' Maya the Bee is full of story and feeling, and it also happens to be beautifully written, with the vocabulary and diction and wonder of other great children's books of this era--this is a book that rivals The Wizard of Oz, or Wind in the Willows.

In addition to its lush diction--0n

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